Upon leaving active duty, Mr. Reisch founded The Reisch Law Firm, LLC, which has focused on representing individuals and corporations accused of criminal offenses in Colorado and Federal Courts across the country. Mr. Reisch has also undertaken personal injury, air disaster litigation and FAA enforcement cases on a selective basis.
Mr. Reisch has extensive experience in criminal and litigation matters. He has tried over 100 criminal trials in municipal, state and federal courts and won acquittals for his clients in the vast majority of those cases, representing defendants in numerous high-profile cases alleging sexual assault, first-degree murder and other serious crimes. Mr. Reisch was featured in an ABC News one hour prime-time documentary about a high-profile child abuse case.
In addition to defending clients in jury trials, Mr. Reisch has secured favorable resolutions in thousands of cases without going to trial. Prosecutors know they will be facing an experienced and skilled trial attorney with a record of success in jury trials, and they are often willing to accept a negotiated outcome that favors our client rather than risk a trial by jury.
Mr. Reisch has also successfully challenged adverse trial court decisions at the appellate level and has several published and unpublished opinions.
Mr. Reisch has taught as an adjunct professor at Metropolitan State College, teaching future police officers. He has taught Constitutional Law, Evidence, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice classes. He has recently been accepted as an expert in the area of criminal law by a Jefferson County District Court judge, based upon his experience and qualifications in criminal defense, for a case in which he was retained an expert.
Mr. Reisch is an active pilot with multi-engine and instrument ratings. He flies his aircraft to courts across Colorado and the country to represent clients.