Personal injury victims are entitled to compensation for their injuries. However, sometimes recovering this compensation from the at-fault party’s insurance company is much harder than it should be. Here are some of the many reasons why insurance companies deny personal injury claims:

Lapse of Coverage

Sometimes, the at-fault party’s insurance company will deny a personal injury claim simply because of a lapse of coverage. For example, if the at-fault party’s auto insurance has expired, he is not covered until he chooses to renew it. If he causes an accident before the policy has been renewed, the injured victims cannot file a claim with his insurance company since he was not covered at the time of the accident.

Lack of Medical Records

Insurance companies will not write you a check until they have seen your medical records and verified your injuries. If you fail to submit medical records or do not submit all of your medical records, the insurance company will have no other choice but to deny the claim. You must be willing to share medical records with the at-fault party’s insurance company to recover compensation for your injuries.

Pre-Existing Condition

A pre-existing injury could also cause the insurance company to deny a personal injury claim. For example, let’s say you sustained a neck injury in an unrelated incident several years before getting into a car accident with the insurance company’s policyholder. You file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company to recover compensation for your whiplash injury. The insurance company will learn about your neck injury while reviewing your medical records. After learning this information, the insurance company could argue that the pain you are experiencing now is from a pre-existing injury, not an injury sustained in the accident.

Liability Dispute

Insurance companies are only responsible for paying personal injury victims if the accident was their policyholder’s fault. Before making an offer, the insurance adjuster assigned to your case will investigate the accident to determine liability. It’s possible that the insurance adjuster will find evidence that suggests their policyholder is not to blame. If this happens, the insurance adjuster has the right to deny your claim.

Don’t give up hope simply because your claim has been denied. If this happens to you, contact Reisch Law Firm at once. Our personal injury attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure you are fairly compensated by the insurance company. Schedule a free consultation today by calling 303-291-0555 or filling out this online form.