Personal injury victims are often asked to take an independent medical exam by the at-fault party’s insurance company. Before agreeing to an independent medical exam, it’s important to understand what to expect and why it’s required. Here’s everything that you need to know about independent medical exams in personal injury cases:

What is an Independent Medical Exam?

The insurance adjuster who is assigned to your case will want to verify your injuries before making a settlement offer. To do this, the insurance adjuster will typically ask that you agree to an independent medical exam. This is a medical examination that is supposed to be performed by an independent physician. However, in many cases, the physician that is chosen for the exam is one that has a relationship with the insurance company.

The purpose of the exam is to determine whether the victim’s injuries truly exist, and if they do, that they are as serious as the victim is claiming. The physician will also examine the victim to determine if the injuries could have been caused by something besides the accident caused by the insurance company’s policyholder.

How to Prepare For the Exam

Do not agree to an independent medical exam before speaking to an attorney. Your attorney will be able to tell you whether or not the exam is necessary. If it is, the attorney can prepare you for the exam by going over some basic rules. For example, it’s important to be honest when answering questions during the examination. Do not exaggerate your injuries or lie about the symptoms you experienced and the treatment that you received. If you are dishonest, this could affect your ability to recover compensation from the insurance company.

What to Expect After the Exam

After the exam, the physician will prepare a report that summarizes his findings and send it to the insurance company. The report will include the doctor’s opinion on a number of matters, including the severity of your injuries, the appropriateness of your treatment, and how the injuries have affected your life. The insurance company will then use the information in this report to determine how much they are willing to offer you.

If you have been injured, don’t hesitate to contact Reisch Law Firm. Our personal injury attorneys will handle the negotiations with the insurance company so you focus solely on recovering from your injuries. Schedule a free consultation today by calling 303-291-0555 or filling out this online form.