How to Prevent Seatbelt Injuries

How to Prevent Seatbelt Injuries

Seatbelts are designed to keep us safe in the event of a car accident, but they don’t always work the way that they should. In fact, some people who are involved in car accidents are actually injured by the seatbelt that is holding them in place. Most seatbelt...
When is Bail Revoked?

When is Bail Revoked?

Getting released on bail after being arrested and taken to jail can be a huge relief. But, the freedom that you experience after being released on bail could be short-lived. In some cases, bail will be revoked and you will be taken back into custody. When is bail...
What Information Does A Truck’s Black Box Contain?

What Information Does A Truck’s Black Box Contain?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is a government agency that is responsible for regulating the trucking industry. The FMCSA has established a number of regulations that are designed to keep the roads safer, including one that requires all...
Why Do Car Accident Cases Rarely Go to Trial?

Why Do Car Accident Cases Rarely Go to Trial?

The vast majority of car accident cases will be resolved out of the courtroom, so it’s very likely that your case will not ever be presented to a jury in court. Why do car accident cases rarely go to trial? Here are some of the many reasons: Unpredictable Juries Both...
How to Research A Personal Injury Attorney

How to Research A Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been injured because of the negligent acts of another person, the first thing you should do after seeking medical attention is get in touch with a personal injury attorney. But, which one? There are countless attorneys in the state of Colorado, so it’s...