DUI arrests typically spike around this time of year since many people consume alcohol as they celebrate the holidays. Law enforcement officers know that alcohol consumption and holiday celebrations go hand-in-hand, which is why there will definitely be a larger police presence on the roads through the end of the year. How can you ensure your holiday season isn’t ruined by being arrested? Avoid a DUI over the holidays by following these tips:

Download Ride-Sharing Apps

Make sure the Uber and Lyft apps are downloaded on your phone before you head out to celebrate the holidays. Then, create an account and enter your payment information so the app is ready to use. It’s much easier to convince yourself to call a ride-sharing service after you’ve had a few drinks if the apps are already set up on your phone.

Host the Party

Host a holiday party at your house so you don’t have to worry about driving to get to the celebration. If you do this, make sure that you help your guests get home safely after the party is over by calling a taxi or asking a sober guest to drive them home. You should also allow close friends and family members to stay the night at your home if they have been drinking.

Don’t Try to Measure Your BAC

There are a number of apps that claim they can determine if you are sober enough to drive. These apps may ask you to take a quick test or enter the number of drinks you’ve had. Then, the app will tell you an estimate of your current BAC. However, these apps are not accurate. Do not ever assume that it is safe for you to drive because one of these apps says you are below the legal limit.

Share Designated Driving Responsibilities

Do you plan on attending multiple parties during the holiday season? If so, share the designated driving responsibilities with other friends who are also invited to the parties. For example, tell your friends that you will stay sober at Friday night’s party as long as someone else takes the designated driver role at Saturday night’s party. This type of agreement ensures that everyone has fun, stays safe, and avoids legal trouble.

If you are charged with DUI this holiday season, contact Reisch Law Firm as soon as possible. Our team of experienced criminal defense attorneys will fight the charges that have been filed against you. Schedule a free consultation today by calling 303-291-0555 or filling out this online form.